Our BAS provides important information to you on how to get your business ready for growth and expansion. Conceptualized as a means of incorporating value-added services into the Bank’s service offerings, the BAS is an information hub providing industry and general business information relevant to operating a business in Jamaica, with a strong emphasis on the export sector. The main objective of the Unit is to promote better business organization and formalization amongst Jamaica’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through knowledge transfer.
Business Advisory Services
Looking for a business mentor?
EXIM Bank Ja has a network of highly successful consultants across a range of business disciplines just waiting to meet you. Our mentors work with individual entrepreneurs to assist them with overcoming the challenges associated with growing businesses in challenging economic times.
Would you like to be a mentor?
Our mentorship program is designed to assist new business owners by pairing them with experienced consultants and entrepreneurs who can offer advice and expertise in various areas of their business.